Saturday, July 27, 2024

Etsy August 2021 Report

August was surprisingly an even better month than July for me.  My little handmade clothing store finally began to make a profit, and I received some great feedback from buyers too.  I even had a few international sales and it makes me smile to think of children overseas wearing Ember and Friends clothing.  My stats for August are below:

Sales and Visits

  • Number of visits: 498
  • Number of orders: 14
  • Conversion Rate: 2.8%
  • Revenue: £359.00


  • 406 people found my shop through Etsy search
  • 75 people visited my shop direct
  • 14 people found my shop through Etsy ads on Google and the other random places they’ve started advertising.
  • 0 people visited my shop via Instagram
  • 2 people visited my shop via Facebook
  • 1 person visited my shop via Pinterest

Plans for September

I’m still not really spending a great deal of time making new items for my shop at the minute.  I have a ton of stock that’s ready to ship anyway, so I’ll probably just focus on restocking my best selling lines and the odd random make out of any spare fabric I have.  I’ve only got two months now until I close for maternity leave as well so it’s not like I need to keep building stock up for the Christmas rush this year.

You can view my Etsy store here.

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